Cyberpunk 2077 Game Review : The game that's so good even with all the bug!


It's been around eight and a half years since Cyberpunk 2077 was announced to the public, and CD Projekt RED tells fans to be patient until they finish it. However, the long wait was finally rewarded after last December 10, they released the game for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The game, which was developed based on a table game by Mike Pondsmith, tries to invite players to explore the thematic world of cyberpunk with various intrigues and conflicts in it. The premise that the player will play a mercenary or a paid person who will do anything for money makes it very similar to Geralt from The Witcher series who will take care of any monster in his fantasy world. 

Although it has been postponed twice since its official release date, Cyberpunk 2077 bears sweet fruit upon its release. Even though in the end I had to experience various ridiculous and ridiculous bugs even though in reality it didn't really spoil my gaming experience.

I myself was given the opportunity by CD Projekt RED to play the PC version of Cyberpunk 2077 since December 4 yesterday. However, because of the many bugs that occurred, I want to share my experience after experiencing the 1.03 update or day-one patch and 1.04.

Of course I don't give this review after finishing the game. I will give a summary of my experience when playing it well before the release until I get the 1.04 patch update. This is because I want to enjoy the game as a whole, without having to give leaks.

Then, what about the waiting for approximately eight and a half years? Can CD Projekt RED answer all the demands, imaginations and imaginations of its players beyond the hugely successful The Witcher 3 in Cyberpunk 2077? Check out my review below.

Become a Cyberhero in a Sophisticated City

You are V, a mercenary who does everything for the eurodollar, the game currency. Your story begins according to the three backgrounds you choose: Nomad, Street Kid, to Corporate. I personally chose Street Kid as my playthrough, and there are interesting choices regarding each selected background.

Throughout the story, you will meet various kinds of clients to fixers who pay you quite a fortune for deadly tasks. Together with Jackie and T-Bug, initially you will be paid to do small tasks, but as the story progresses, you will be left with a big task which becomes an ongoing tragedy with your clients.

Especially after you meet Johnny Silverhand, a famous rocker who will end up haunting you throughout the story via hologram, where you will try to escape from the shadows. Can you solve all of them and make friends, girlfriends, and even big enemies and break free from the shadow of Johnny Silverhand?

Welcome to the Night City

The Cyberpunk 2077 incident took place on a big stage, namely a city called Night City, a future city full of worldly pleasures and of course a super harsh environment thanks to the many powerful people who rule it. Whether in terms of wealth, namely corporate, to strength and violence, namely the gangs.

Night City is controlled by three main corporations: Arasaka (Japan) with its super advanced technology, Militech (military), namely a military weapon and vehicle company, and Kang Tao (China) with its revolutionary technology called Smart-Tech which allows weapons to have bullets capable of chasing their targets. , similar to the smartpistol in Titanfall but more applied to all weapons.

There are also nine of the most influential gangs in Night City with their own distinctive culture and characteristics: Tyger Claws (Japan), The Mox (Sex Vendors), Aldecaldos (Spain), Valentinos (Italy), Maelstrom (Cybernetic), 6th Street Gang ( Initially "Good guys", but they were on the corporate side), Voodoo Boys (Haitian Netrunner), Animals (Muscle Power, filled with muscular people), and Wraiths (Mercenaries with the characteristics of having guns and missiles).

There is another group called the Scavengers who collected several implants from the victims of the nine gangs. To put it simply, they are a group of scavengers wherever you explore the Night City.

You will be able to do almost anything in Night City. For example, drinking in bars, eradicating gangster camps, talking to drink vending machines, buying weapons, armor, upgrading, crafting, enjoying nightlife, and of course “having fun” because almost 70-90% of the city is covered with a very “sexualism” image. thick.

Night City is not designed like other open-world games with a super wide scale and full of useless places. But solid and full. You can explore almost every area, from residential areas, shops, to other interesting landmarks. The game's pace is slow enough to make you feel confined in an area called Watson, but not after you complete the intro mission.

After the intro, you will be faced with many things, one of which is some new places that were previously unexplored. You can enjoy various facilities such as buying clothes, a much broader work contract, to buying the car or motorbike of your dreams. Offer after offer will continue to be offered by NPCs to make you tempted to spend your money.

You will be able to do almost anything in Night City. For example, drinking in bars, eradicating gangster camps, talking to drink vending machines, buying weapons, armor, upgrading, crafting, enjoying nightlife, and of course “having fun” because almost 70-90% of the city is covered with a very “sexualism” image. thick.

Night City is not designed like other open-world games with a super wide scale and full of useless places. But solid and full. You can explore almost every area, from residential areas, shops, to other interesting landmarks. The game's pace is slow enough to make you feel confined in an area called Watson, but not after you complete the intro mission.

After the intro, you will be faced with many things, one of which is some new places that were previously unexplored. You can enjoy various facilities such as buying clothes, a much broader work contract, to buying the car or motorbike of your dreams. Offer after offer will continue to be offered by NPCs to make you tempted to spend your money.

Oh yes, you can also perform the "services" offered on the road either on the "path of virtue" or "fencing". And don't forget to do romance with one of the NPC characters. All the needs of the city are here, so complete, there is a lot of content that you can enjoy until you are confused about which one to start first.

Not only that, TV commercials to the designs of various brands when you explore their city are made wholeheartedly with details that are not kidding. They even had time to pin several easter eggs such as M**FGUARD taken from The Witcher 3's Nilfgaard, and several other easter eggs.

Some TV news that shows how the situation in Night City also keeps changing, as the story progresses. Either just reporting how the criminal was arrested, or gossip about the corporation.

Solid and filled, Night City is also represented by the feel of a very lively city. You will not only see people passing by in their cars or planes. But also see a lot of unique events. From gang battles against police, to live killings in front of your own eyes.

Captivating Visuals That Only Happen on PC

From a visual perspective, Cyberpunk 2077 can already be considered as one of the most captivating games. You can see the design of the Night City which is very pleasing to the eye to areas outside the city which are designed in great detail, such as scattered garbage, arid grasslands, to the magnificent corporate buildings with all the technology. Show that the latest version of RED Engine that CD Projekt RED uses is able to compete with several other commercial game engines.

Unfortunately this only happens on the PC version, considering that many have complained that the console version is much different when compared to the "master race" platform. Of course this is one of the minus points. Especially after several players complained that there were still bugs and the appearance was still blurry.

Not a few think that the PC version has visuals that are far superior to the console. That a game made on the PC basis is like heaven and earth when it comes to visually. This has given a lot of regret from players, especially console owners, to force the game to be released faster.

Delicious Shooter with Steady RPG Elements

Apart from visuals, Cyberpunk 2077 has a shooter mechanic that CD Projekt RED has never made before. If you've ever played shooter games, surprisingly the mechanics feel like a typical shooter game. You will feel how the recoil of each weapon is different from the others. A shotgun, for example, will give the effect of a push back with camera shake and the exact same "feel" when you play a game like Call of Duty or something else. A hard work that pays off very sweetly.

This also proves that it does not mean that a developer who has never touched the shooter genre and has always been struggling in RPGs is unable to make a good shooter mechanic.

Just like RPG games in general, you will also be faced with various types of weapons. But because of the modern theme, you will not be faced with traditional elements such as spears or magic, but firearms and several other imaginative weapons. Starting from melee consisting of katana, bat, to hammer, firearm, to grenades. The firearms here have three main categories: power, tech, and smart.
Not only weapons, your body can also be modified through the cyberware feature. Cyberware is a modification of the human body. Where the human body in Cyberpunk 2077 functions like a computer with various implants. You can add or replace these implants via an NPC called RipperDoc. Embedded electronic objects will provide many abilities such as scanning, telling where the enemy is connected in a network, seeing the profile of each person and enemy, to knowing how wide the grenade you throw is. You can even double jump or install a mantis blade like in the teaser trailer.

A Quest System That Can Be Completed By Anyway

There are many ways to complete quests, either by using your abilities or by taking other means. In other words, you are not only fixated on one way to solve it, for example, when you want to enter a room then passing through the door is a natural way, but not in Cyberpunk 2077. You can do other ways. CD Projekt Red calls this quest GIG.

Your mission doesn't just end

Despite its very slow pace, it has to be admitted that the Cyberpunk 2077 story is very well written. There are no characters that are completely forgotten, each character has a unique persona with a natural relationship and does not seem abandoned, even after the task they have given is complete.

You won't find traditional side quests that are just finished and will be called back by the characters that are related to you. Of course this will take time and will not just happen. Sometimes you have to complete other side missions or the main mission to continue it.

Of course, every ending of their story will depend on the decision you make. Yes, the butterfly effect is again pinned by CD Projekt RED in Cyberpunk 2077 both side quest and main quest. This makes you have to be careful with the choices you choose. Some will lead you to battle, but not infrequently the choice will also pass the mission peacefully. Everything is very possible.

Cyberbug-nk 2077

Unfortunately the flawless execution of CD Projekt Red has to be weathered by a storm of fiery bugs. Even after the game was updated to version 1.03 and 1.04, I, who got the PC version before release, enjoyed it more stable. Even though in reality some of them almost all perished after the update and the game became more stable, not a few are still showing up.
Unfortunately I can't confirm whether the bug during the “Heist” mission where you can't carry any weapons has been fixed or not, considering I've passed the mission. In this mission, at one point there was a scene where V inevitably had to fight a flying drone. If before getting into the car and running away the player didn't put up any weapons at all, then when V was going to fight the drone, he wouldn't be able to fight it at all.

This leaves the V model clipped outside the car while the drone is still chasing it. Ironically, you can't mount your weapon at all after getting in the car, making the mission unable to auto-improvise during this scene.


Cyberpunk 2077 has been a long wait which pays off well. That this Polish developer really worked on the game very nicely with the RPG mechanic, the story writing was very neat and interesting, the characters were unforgettable, along with the open-world world that was alive with lots of activities to do.

Its beautiful visual appearance and quest mechanic that can be completed by any means make Cyberpunk 2077 almost unlimited options. Give each player the creativity to do anything with a different ending including the main story.

Unfortunately, bugs that occur in the PC and console versions prevent certain experiences from being properly enjoyed. However, it can still be repaired CD Projekt RED will be in the future.

Even so, the level design and perfect RPG mechanics make Cyberpunk 2077 one of the must-play RPGs for fans. Of course, while waiting for bug fix updates that are currently happening.

Some gamers may find that the game is quite slow until they finally see "Cyberpunk 2077" with high complexity and don't want to finish it because it's about 50-100 hours long. But this game is not designed for you who think like that. It is designed for those who understand very well how RPGs are executed from various aspects. Making it one of the masterpieces that could have been completed this year without any protracted technical problems.

So do you think you will download this game? And if you have other game you want me to review leave it all on the comment section below. Also if you like this review, please share this to your social media it will help me greatly. Thank you!