Hello Anime GIFs | TenorHi guys my name is Alvin Reynaldo from Indonesia. Currently I studied at Indonesia University of Education. As the author of this blog, I want to introduce what my blog is about. I started writing blogs since 7 years ago. But I stopped blogging 3 years ago because of my busy schedule. The reason I go back to blogging is that I got an assignment to create a blog from my lecturer. So here i am.

In this blog, I will make daily reviews on topics such as games, anime, and other people's blogs. I will also open a blog creation service so that your blog can be accessed and looks beautiful to visitors. So stay tune and if you enjoy any of my review please don't forget to share it to your social media. That's all for the introduction,Cheers.

If you need my service or you want to sponsor me, you can contact me here : 

Email: gancelotliburator@gmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alvinreynaldo8/

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/alvin.reynaldo.50/