Reviewing a sad anime my friend asked me to! I Want To Eat Your Pancreas anime review


Hi guys, actually one of my friends asked me to review sad anime, so in this post I will discuss the sad anime entitled "I Want To Eat Your Pancreas"

Are you looking for sad anime that will make you cry? Well, look no further our this anime will get you feeling for the characters and crying for them. With tragically heartbreaking scenes and emotional moments, these stories are powerful.

Sad anime is notorious as a tearjerker anime that will make you bawl your eyes out, so why do we watch them? why do anime creators love making their audience cry? And why are there a ton of sad anime? 

From heartfelt dramas about young love, unrequited feelings, and relationship drama to the more serious stories that tackle issues like mental health, death and illness, sad anime has found countless ways to break our hearts, make us cry, feel, think and look at situations from different perspectives.

Sad anime or tearjerker anime does help us have a good cry when we feel like crying, but sad anime also helps us understand ourselves, each other and learn from them sometimes without actually having to experience some of those sad moments or for some letting them know they are not alone in whatever hell they are in.

At least that's sad anime for me and why I wanted to write this post apart from my friend's request.


Studios: Studio VOLN
Episodes: Movie
Aired: Summer 2018
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is a sad anime that might sound like an ecchi or zombie horror anime by the name but it’s a romantic drama that successes in making you cry bucket loads.
Quick Summary
One day, I – a high schooler – found a paperback in the hospital. The “Disease Coexistence Journal” was its title. It was a diary that my classmate, Sakura Yamauchi, had written in secret. Inside, it was written that due to her pancreatic disease, her days were numbered. And thus, I coincidentally went from Just-a-Classmate to a Secret-Knowing-Classmate. It was as if I were being drawn to her, who was my polar opposite. However, the world presented the girl that was already suffering from an illness with an equally cruel reality…

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas has as much in common with A Silent Voice as it does with the live-action Hollywood film The Fault in Our Stars. At first glance it looks like another sappy melodramatic romance meant to make you cry your eyes out. Yet first-time director Shinichiro Ushijima (who also wrote the film) has more in mind than just a downer film about death, and instead makes a beautiful celebration of life with some interesting ideas about fate. 


The film starts with an unnamed boy being bothered by a girl in their high school library. She is fascinated by a supposed Japanese custom of eating a body part from a loved one to cure a disease afflicting the same body part.  

Our nameless protagonist is an oddball loner, withdrawn and unpopular by choice, according to him. He spends his time working at the school library because he believes books are better than people. It doesn’t take long to notice that he isn’t as stoic as he thinks he is, and he’s just a guy fighting against himself and against his own self-professed beliefs. One day, he happens to find a diary in a hospital. The diary belongs to his classmate Sakura, the girl from the library.

Sakura is an exuberant, cheerful and popular girl from his school; the only problem is that she has a terminal pancreatic illness and only a few months left to live. Once our silent main guy discovers this fact, Sakura explains that he is the only person other than her family who knows about her condition, as she wants to maintain a regular school life for as long as she can. So, the boy promises to keep her secret. The film then deals with Sakura as she decides to spend her last few months latched onto our loner protagonist, whose point of view carries the story forward.

The biggest surprise in I Want To Eat Your Pancreas is how funny it is. Sakura is well aware of her impending death, so she copes with it with deadpan gallows humor that may make some audience members uncomfortable. There’s also the not-so-typical relationship between Sakura and our protagonist (I swear they say his name before the film ends, but it’s a thing that he won’t say it at first). Their initial misjudgments are quite funny, as Sakura keeps forcing her nameless friend to help her check crazier and crazier things off her bucket list, but their banter and dynamic becomes quite sweet to see and the dialogue feels natural. When Sakura can’t understand why her new friend won’t talk to anyone at school, the resulting tension between them also rings true to our own struggles in relating to and engaging with people.  


The very young Studio VOLN handles the film’s animation, which is pretty to look at but never distracts from the plot. Pastel colors dominate I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, especially the color pink which dominates Sakura’s world and parallels the cherry blossoms that follow wherever the camera goes, a key part of the film’s themes. Sakura’s journey takes her through sunshine-soaked outdoor scenes and brightly lit interiors as her backlit figure contemplates the eternal light of the world she will soon stop being a part of. This is all contrasted with the dark and rainy streets our protagonist is often walking down, the wet ground reflecting headlights from night-time traffic. There are even a couple of scenes where the animation enhances the film, particularly a night-time scene with fireworks that will both make your jaw drop and your tear ducts work overtime. 

My Opinion:

I want to eat your pancreas is my new favorite sad anime in 2020 yes I know I am 2 years late but that just tells you how good this anime is, the feeling made me feel and the way it really broke my heart for me.

From the start, we know the fate of our character Sakura won’t end well and we shouldn’t get attached but somehow we end up still getting attached to her.

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas may look like a traditional romantic drama about a dying character, but it is a heartfelt celebration of life and friendships with a tight script and round characters. It is honestly amazing that this film works as well as it does, and that it still manages to surprise you with a few twists and turns that will have theatrical audiences crying in their seats. 

So that's my review about this anime, what do you think? Do you agree? and If you like this post and you want me to review other anime, leave your message in the comments section below. Thank You