Hi guys today I will reviewing a game called Genshin Impact. How many of you are currently busy playing this game that was born from a developer from China? For those who use mobile devices as everyday “gaming machines”, enjoying the game from the bamboo curtain developer is certainly no longer a strange sight, especially with the tendency of gacha-based games with waifu content that will easily fool you as if though he was born from the cold hands of Japanese developers. Among the ranks is Mihoyo, whose popularity was born and skyrocketed through the action game Honkai Impact 3rd, which currently still has an active community base. But it was through the birth of their latest project - Genshin Impact, that Mihoyo took it to the next level.

Distributed in a free to play format with elements of gacha in it, we are quite surprised by the quality it carries. There is more appreciation for how the gacha system that he carries does not necessarily make the content locked behind it, where you always have the option of using "free" characters to finish the story. It also comes with an action RPG game mechanic that is solid and very enjoyable, especially with the extra layer of strategy based on elemental attacks that it carries. Genshin Impact cannot be denied, leaving a positive first impression for us or me at least.

So, what does Genshin Impact actually offer? Why do we call it a game that offers addictive trial luck action? In this review I will discuss it more deeply for you. 


Genshin Impact tells the story of the adventures of the main characters named Lumine and Aether, after being confronted by Unkown God whose motive is still mysterious. At the beginning of the game, you can choose between Lumine and Aether and after that your choice will be the main character in this game. You will also be invited to explore every corner of Teyvat, the world in Genshin Impact.
Teyvat is quite a world to explore. Even if it is paired with AAA games on PC, it is still far behind in terms of breadth and quality, Teyvat is still an interesting world to explore.

Apart from that, to my knowledge there are no mobile games on Android and iOS that have a wider and more immersive world than Teyvat. The status of Genshin Impact which also appears as a mobile game makes me have to lower the standard of assessment for this game considering the limitations of mobile devices.

Overall, Teyvat is a very immersive world and it makes me want to explore every corner. To make it feel more real, the developer of this game, Mihoyo, also adds weather effects and changes of day and night.

Although the weather can have certain effects and affect gameplay, changing day and night doesn't have any effect on gameplay. The viewpoints remain unrestricted and the types of monsters remain the same. These conditions make Teyvat look very static. I even started to memorize what monsters would appear in a certain area.
Not only the monsters and their positions, the NPCs were also very static. Shops at Mondstadt and Liyue Harbor remain open 24 hours. Most of the NPCs just stayed put. If someone is traveling, there is very little route and movement. But back again, this game was also released for mobile devices. Maybe Mihoyo is forced to provide limitations so that Genshin Impact can be enjoyed on mobile devices.

The Waifu and Visual

Those who are not familiar with Genshin Impact and are active on social media, might easily simplify it as a game that simply sells Waifu as the main attraction. That the presence of female characters with eye-pleasing designs is the essence of the experience Genshin Impact aims to carry, at least from the presentation side. I will not deny that, but make no mistake in this game there are also many male characters who can make you spend money to get them. Like these men.

And many others. One thing that is even more fantastic, is that all characters have personalities. All sides of this sweet visual presentation don't end up "empty" and just dazzling on the surface. As an example? Variety of waifu characters that you can recruit via the gacha system as a playable roster. Each of them has a pretty solid background story with unique personalities, from Klee who likes to throw bombs wherever he goes while maintaining the innocence of a child, Fischl who uses super complex language to communicate something simple, to Mona who has to live in the upper poverty line. the name of idealism. That personality also spreads to another level, from enemies in the open world that you can see sometimes have their own activities to unique behavior to side missions with deep story content. Genshin Impact is not just a matter of waifu appearance.

This side of the presentation is also reinforced by solid audio support. In terms of voice acting, regardless of whether you use English or Japanese (although I recommend Japanese more), the quality is praiseworthy. Considering that many of these VAs come from professionals who have been involved in anime (for Japanese VAs), then you can feel how the intonation that comes out also reflects an interesting personality to follow. Meanwhile, from the soundtrack side, the quality is also worth celebrating. The songs that will accompany your adventure, especially from the Liyue region, will easily slip into your daily playlist if you want some soul-soothing music.

So in terms of presentation, Genshin Impact comes with amazing quality. It comes as a free to play game that is not difficult to beat paid AAA games from visual to audio presentation. From the surface, it might seem that the “Waifu sale” space is the only attraction. But when you dive deeper, you'll see that it has a lot of personality in it.

Better than what I expected, despite the pessimism due to its free to play system, Genshin Impact ended up being a fantastic action RPG game that is worth the hype and popularity it has won at the time of writing this review. It is handled as a GaaS game in a better and more effective manner even compared to some examples of paid AAA games from larger caliber studios today. But its main attraction is rooted in many little things that they really don't need to think about, but which are handled optimally. We are talking about world design, character design, voice acting, how it comes with a lot of personality, so that the balancing process is good enough for gamers who want to enjoy it with real money or for free. Genshin Impact comes with surprising qualities.

However, that does not mean he is perfect. There are several things that should be considered by miHoYo, especially related to the problem of resin, which currently the regeneration process is still relatively slow. With 1 Resin that regenerates every 8 minutes, the activities you complete every day will be very limited, especially if you are already in the end-game and no longer have side and main missions to complete. This means, every day, you will probably have about 2 hours of total play time from waking up to falling asleep again, to do the various activities you want - especially for farming materials, money or artifacts. Another complaint also comes from the Playstation 4 version, which until now, is still having framerate problems, even in the Pro version. Slow loading times, low framerates, and even slower online connectivity from the PC and mobile versions is something miHoYo needs to think about as soon as possible.

But despite these shortcomings, Genshin Impact is a free to play game that deserves a chance for you to try, especially if you love action RPG games or stories with a thick anime flavor. You will find that the format of this release does not represent a variety of stigma about poor quality and cheap monetization that occurs in other free to play games. This is a game that will still test your luck, but on the other hand, it still comes with innovations that are worth celebrating.

So do you think you will download this game? And if you have other game you want me to review leave it all on the comment section below. Also if you like this review, please share this to your social media it will help me greatly. Thank you