This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.

Hennepin County, Minnesota, assembled a group of qualified local citizens. From among them, a jury consisting of 12 jurors and 4 alternate members will be selected. Potential jurors will be questioned to determine whether they can judge Derek Shawvin fairly. Everyone will receive a 16-page questionnaire asking about their familiarity with the case, news habits, and interaction with law enforcement agencies. It directly asked them how many times they watched the video of George Floyd's death, and whether they participated in the subsequent protests or damaged their property. Starting on Monday, four potential jurors will appear every morning and afternoon and will be interviewed separately to assess their suitability. How the jury will be picked?

Hennepin County, Minnesota, assembled a group of qualified local citizens. From among them, a jury consisting of 12 jurors and 4 alternate members will be selected. Potential jurors will be questioned to determine whether they can judge Derek Shawvin fairly. Everyone will receive a 16-page questionnaire asking about their familiarity with the case, news habits, and interaction with law enforcement agencies. It directly asked them how many times they watched the video of George Floyd's death, and whether they participated in the subsequent protests or damaged their property. Starting on Monday, four potential jurors will appear every morning and afternoon and will be interviewed separately to assess their suitabilit
Hennepin County, Minnesota, assembled a group of qualified local citizens. From among them, a jury consisting of 12 jurors and 4 alternate members will be selected. Potential jurors will be questioned to determine whether they can judge Derek Shawvin fairly. Everyone will receive a 16-page questionnaire asking about their familiarity with the case, news habits, and interaction with law enforcement agencies. It directly asked them how many times they watched the video of George Floyd's death, and whether they participated in the subsequent protests or damaged their property. Starting on Monday, four potential jurors will appear every morning and afternoon and will be interviewed separately to assess their suitability.Hennepin County, Minnesota, assembled a group of qualified local citizens. From among them, a jury consisting of 12 jurors and 4 alternate members will be selected. Potential jurors will be questioned to determine whether they can judge Derek Shawvin fairly. Everyone will receive a 16-page questionnaire asking about their familiarity with the case, news habits, and interaction with law enforcement agencies. It directly asked them how many times they watched the video of George Floyd's death, and whether they participated in the subsequent protests or damaged their property. Starting on Monday, four potential jurors will appear every morning and afternoon and will be interviewed separately to assess their suitabilitHennepin County, Minnesota, assembled a group of qualified local citizens. From among them, a jury consisting of 12 jurors and 4 alternate members will be selected. Potential jurors will be questioned to determine whether they can judge Derek Shawvin fairly. Everyone will receive a 16-page questionnaire asking about their familiarity with the case, news habits, and interaction with law enforcement agencies. It directly asked them how many times they watched the video of George Floyd's death, and whether they participated in the subsequent protests or damaged their property. Starting on Monday, four potential jurors will appear every morning and afternoon and will be interviewed separately to assess their suitability.

If the prosecutor and the defense believe that there is prejudice or conflict during the interrogation process, they can both ask Judge Peter Cahill to dismiss potential jurors as "causes." They can also use a limited "mandatory challenge" to strike the person from the pool without any reason-the prosecution has 9 people, and Qiao Wen's defense team has only 15 people. If either party suspects that someone has been discriminated against due to reasons such as gender or race, they can raise an objection. Once the 16 people are approved, the jury can be seated. This process may take several weeks, and we already know that the trial itself will not begin until March 29.

How is this process different to the UK?

The U.S. Constitution guarantees the jury's right to try. In England and Wales, jury trials are not common. British jurors are randomly selected from the swimming pool, and they don't know what kind of trial will be conducted until they are sworn in, so as to avoid pre-judgment. The British press also has stricter reporting restrictions to ensure that suspects receive a fair trial. Eligible candidates will not be cross-examined and can only be expelled by the judge under very special circumstances (for example, they know the victim). In theory, it is possible to randomly select a group of male or female jurors.
The US censorship system pays more attention to ensuring that all aspects of society are represented. In cases involving racism and other issues, the selection process can be regarded as extremely important to the trial results and the fairness of the trial results. High-risk trials by American juries will likely involve special counsels who will help lawyers conduct research and select jurors in order to obtain favorable results. It is even possible to consider factors such as the background and body language of the jurors in the trial strategy. During Chauvin's trial, the jurors will be partially isolated or isolated, and once the deliberation begins, the jurors will be completely isolated. They will remain anonymous until the judge allows their identities to be disclosed. It is not uncommon for American jurors to tell about their deliberations afterwards. In some notorious examples, such as the OJ Simpson case, some even continue to write books about their experiences.

What are the challenges with picking the jury?

The death of George Floyd inspired several weeks of protests against racial inequality in cities around the world. The trial will be closely watched, and local officials will strengthen security around the courthouse and other government buildings before the trial. In view of the large amount of graphic evidence in front of the public, Chauvin's trial is considered to be a real test of the US judicial system, because the US judicial system has been facing accusations of racial discrimination and leniency against law enforcement. Without any prior knowledge of Freud’s death, potential jurors would be extremely unlikely to come in, and everyone was asked whether they could abandon previous opinions and make decisions in a fair and just manner.
 Professor Valerie Hans, a jury researcher at Cornell University School of Law, said that the pre-trial questionnaire in this case is more detailed and personalized than most questionnaires. In other cases, the lawyer may only know basic knowledge such as marital status and professional information-she said, potential jurors in the Chauvin case were asked about "the deepest attitudes towards some of the most important political and social topics today." One example she pointed out was that they were asked what they thought about causes such as the "black life problem" and the "blue life problem". She said that understanding these attitudes may be better than demographic characteristics (such as gender and age) when predicting how the jury will view the evidence. She said: "I think both parties want to stand out from the questionnaire. This is a sense of whether the prospective jurors are open to the various arguments they intend to raise during the trial."

Will race be a factor in jury selection?

Taking extreme responses to issues will provide both parties with an opportunity to raise objections on a fair basis. "If people fill out this questionnaire completely, then both parties will have a sense of who they think is a relatively favorable juror for them, while it may not be so favorable for the other party who wants to remove them." Professor Hans said that although there is a law that makes race-based mandatory challenges unconstitutional, judges still need to pay close attention to the patterns that arise from dismissal. When asked whether race might be a factor in the selection, she said: "I think it is because race has different attitudes towards the police. Therefore, many jury selection issues involve perceptions and opinions on the impartiality of the police. ,This is inevitable."



This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. adadadNow, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.asaddsadasdasdasdasdjknjkadnsnfas
This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.
This is a videotape watched all over the world-Derek Chauvin's knee was pressed on George Floyd's neck for about nine minutes before he died. Now, the former American policeman is facing trial for second-degree murder and second-degree homicide. The other three dismissed officials will be tried together later this year, but the trial in the Chauvin case will begin on Monday and the jury selection will begin.